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Origami Crush

تحميل لعبة مسلية للاندرويد Origami Crush 1428996963_globalapk.com_unnamed

Origami Crush is an old-school arcade game with short & hardcore gameplay sessions.

Choose your plane, destroy waves of ennemies, upgrade your stats, beat bosses and get new skills !

-Upgrade your plane when you level up !

-Get special skills when you kill bosses, like bouncing projectiles !

-Damage multiplier : The more you kill ennemies, the more powerful you become !

-Die & retry, from the beginning, losing all your upgrades !

-No ads, no in-game purchases, diamonds, etc... Only you & your player skills !

-Unlock 8 new planes & 3 new levels !

-More challenges to coming in updates !

Origami Crush will make you eat paper balls like you never eaten !

**Limited offer : For the release of the game, it is at half-price ! (0.99$ instead of 1.99$)**


تحميل لعبة مسلية للاندرويد Origami Crush Newscreen_01

تحميل لعبة مسلية للاندرويد Origami Crush Newscreen_03

تحميل لعبة مسلية للاندرويد Origami Crush 949

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