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مروان ساهر

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البلد/ المدينة :
saudia arabia
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Dragon Hills v1.0.1

تحميل لعبة المغامرات الرائعة Dragon Hills v1.0.1 1429192769_globalapk.com_unnamed

Are all Princesses really waiting for Princes to come and save them? Not this time!
Take control of a very dangerous Dragon in this action-packed adventure  and help the furious princess on her revenge mission. Slide down the  hills jumping into and out of the ground, crashing and destroying  everything on your way.

Chase down the knights, conquer new castles and discover new lands!


• Super fun, fast and furious gameplay
• Fully destructible terrain
• Epic boss battles
• Upgradeable weapons, armor and explosive power-ups available for unlocking
• Easy to learn, intuitive one-touch controls combined with innovative gameplay
• Achievements and leaderboards to compete with friends

Get ready for crazy adventures with this instantly playable and simple to control game!

تحميل لعبة المغامرات الرائعة Dragon Hills v1.0.1 Dragon-Hills-Android-resim1

تحميل لعبة المغامرات الرائعة Dragon Hills v1.0.1 Dragon-Hills-Android-resim3

[center][center][center][center][center][center][center][center][center][center][center][center]تحميل لعبة المغامرات الرائعة Dragon Hills v1.0.1 949

[ندعوك للتسجيل في المنتدى أو التعريف بنفسك لمعاينة هذا الرابط]


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