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مروان ساهر

عضو نشيط
البلد/ المدينة :
saudia arabia
المُسَــاهَمَـاتْ :
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التَـــسْجِيلْ :
Second Warfare 2 V1.01

لعبه الحرب الرائعه Second Warfare 2 V1.01 لاجهزة الاندوريد Cf800ef7f16f.original

download last version of Second Warfare 2 Apk + Data for android from revdl with direct link
You are a soldier of the elite special forces units.
The sole purpose of a “Second Warfare 2” – to destroy the terrorists and stay alive.
 You have a large selection of weapons (different pistols, machine guns, grenade launchers).
 Martial tasks can be performed on different types of technology – using a car or helicopter.
You need to perform several combat missions:
1. Training on the base.
2. The city where you were guarding the embassy captured terrorists. Walk through the city and find a place of evacuation.
3. The terrorists want to blow up oil tanks in Alaska. Destroy the terrorists.
4. Strip the territory from the rebels and destroy ballistic missiles.
5. Destroy the base of chemical weapons.
6. The mission is not feasible …

- Game Updates will be published regularly.
- We love to hear your advice and suggestions.
- In the future, the game will “MULTIPLAYER”.
- Buy the game today, tomorrow more!

لعبه الحرب الرائعه Second Warfare 2 V1.01 لاجهزة الاندوريد C94f20b6ccd9.original

لعبه الحرب الرائعه Second Warfare 2 V1.01 لاجهزة الاندوريد 28c3382ed758.original

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