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Candy Crush Soda Sega 1.49.9

اللعبه الاسطوريه Candy Crush Soda Sega 1.49.9 للاندوريد 826c2068932d.original

Candy Crush Soda Saga
Candy Crush Soda Saga is the name of the new series of the popular game company, King.com, the creator of the game and introduced the world to build a new version of the game Candy Crush Soda Saga named ie the version of sodium. The pro version of the new characters and graphics are pretty high.
    Stunning HD graphics and a very tasty!
Added the booster to help in the     Higher levels of     Characters and new interface in version Soda     Difficult and very challenging process

اللعبه الاسطوريه Candy Crush Soda Sega 1.49.9 للاندوريد 0fa544b3a5fc.original

اللعبه الاسطوريه Candy Crush Soda Sega 1.49.9 للاندوريد B056cc97e1fc.original

Version 3    
200 Moves.
Unlimited Lives. (Show infinity)
Unlimited Boosters. (Show 5)
Unlock all levels.
Unlock all Episodes.
Total level score multiplier.    
Auto complete (Jam- Gum- Chocolate- Giant Bear

[center][center][center] اللعبه الاسطوريه Candy Crush Soda Sega 1.49.9 للاندوريد 949

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