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Club Penguin Sled Racer v1.2

تحميل لعبة التزلج الرائعة Club Penguin Sled Racer v1.2 1428404566_globalapk.com_unnamed

GO  THE DISTANCE! Are you the new Sled Racer legend? From the makers of  Club Penguin, Disney's #1 virtual world, take on the steep slopes of the  Tallest Mountain! Challenge a high-speed sled run with crazy obstacles  and fast-paced action, and compete with Club Penguin friends for the leaderboard's top spot.


COMPETE for top spot on the leaderboard
CHECK every week for new high scores
SURVIVE the slopes
RACE down icy sled runs
DODGE crazy obstacles


Members get UNLIMITED ACCESS to all available power-ups and can choose to equip up to three per race.

Jet Pack Boost—Boost at the start of the game
Invinci-tube—Start your race with a short burst of invincibility
Tube Wax—Speed boost over an ice +
Parachute—Get extra air time
Toot Blaster—Get an extra distance blast
Revive—Revive from crash to continue run


Players can purchase power-ups one-at-a-time and equip up to three per race.

Sled  Racer app is free to play. However, there are optional in app purchases  and Club Penguin recurring membership subscriptions available for  purchase in the Club Penguin app, that cost real money. A membership  means unlimited access and endless play Club Penguin apps. If you choose to make a purchase, your Google Play account will be charged.

Before  you download this experience, please consider that this app contains  in-app purchases that cost real money, push notifications to let you  know when we have exciting updates like new content, as well as  advertising for the Walt Disney Family of Companies. Children should  always ask their parent or guardian to download

تحميل لعبة التزلج الرائعة Club Penguin Sled Racer v1.2 Screenshot-2

تحميل لعبة التزلج الرائعة Club Penguin Sled Racer v1.2 Screenshot-5

تحميل لعبة التزلج الرائعة Club Penguin Sled Racer v1.2 949



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